Do life

One intentional choice at a time.

Personalized guidance and support help you reach your goals and create a meaningful life.


 I see you over there doubting yourself–wondering how you could possibly do one more thing.

But I’ll let you in on a little secret…

It’s not about adding more to your already-full plate, it's about doing the next right thing.


An intentional life doesn’t happen accidentally.

It’s the result of… 

  • leaning into your strengths 

  • aligning your goals with your values 

  • making time for what matters most 

You have everything you need to carve a new path and pace for your life instead of feeling paralyzed by fear and foggy from sleepless nights.

All you have to do is work at it.
But you might be in your own way.


You're creative, driven, and smart
but you can’t shake mental chains that hold you back
or the self-talk that keeps you doubting your intuition. 

Take a deep breath...

That’s where I come in. 

I help you let go of “should do” or “should have” and lean into what’s actually yours to accomplish. 


Personal coaching is what I do. Although most of my friends (errrr clients) consider me their personal cheerleader with a purpose.

Ten years ago I was moving through life like a robot. Marking days off the calendar with no clear intent on where I was headed. Simply surviving the rat race. Exhausted, overwhelmed, and feeling defeated in both my personal and professional life.

(Record scratch) Enter Lori, my coach….she helped me get clear on my goals, learn how to trust my intuition, and reclaim the confidence I always possessed but let it slip away. 

Fast forward eight months into working with my coach–I sold my company, saved my marriage, and identified what my next career move was thanks to her guidance and support.

It wasn’t easy. But it was worth every second. 

With a renewed sense of purpose, confidence, and alignment, I saw with fresh eyes. That’s when it clicked: leading a beautiful life you love is possible and it’s doable.


My Coaching Philosophy

I take a holistic approach to personal growth, professional goals, and creating a life that’s intentionally designed by you. (Filled with both grace and flexibility, because nobody’s got time for rigid rules that don’t allow for change.)

As a certified enneagram coach, I help big-hearted, multi-passionate women design intentional lives and business to impact others in their sphere of influence in powerful, lasting ways.  Instead of one that….

  • Operates like everyone else in her industry

  • Constantly compares herself 

  • Get’s stuck wasting time and minimizing her gifts

  • Paralyzed with self-doubt

Because leading a beautiful life you love is yours for the taking.

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 “Courtney did a fantastic job understanding where I was coming from and helping me make sense of my situation. Thanks to her listening skills and questioning, I was able to arrive at a very insightful moment that opened a pathway for me to take steps to feel more successful about my daily schedule. I'm truly grateful!”

Kimberly Gallagher – Artist, Coach, Ministry Leader


Does this sound like you?

  • You love the work, but you don’t have the support system you desire.

  • You need someone with zero bias to help you see through the brain fog.

  • Your relationships are hanging on by a thread. 

  • You’re working double-time to keep all the balls in the air.

  • You feel like everything is getting a piece of you, but nothing is getting your best.

"Yes, yes, and yes? Then you're in the right place.

Don't wait as long as I did. 

Grab a cup of coffee, and let’s get started.


Why work with a coach? Glad you asked. 

Working with a coach will give you a laser focus on what matters most to you.

Unpack and explore: 

  • Mindset hurdles and personal blind spots holding you back from reaching your goals

  • Your core motivations, operating mode, purpose, and passion with a clear vision

  • How to shake off self-doubt, regain your confidence, and move forward


 “I participated in an intro workshop, The Relationship Enneagram, with Courtney and loved it so much I decided to work with her further! The Enneagram is not only intriguing, it has become such a valuable tool to work with as I work on my self growth in all areas of my life. It has helped me unpack so much about myself in order to become the best version of me! I look forward to all that is yet to come!”

Jill – Current Client


Vulnerability: Emotions matter. Sweeping them under the rug does no good.

Honesty: You aren’t fooling anyone so stop fooling yourself.

Celebrate Often: When you look for the good, you find it. Small wins matter.

Commitment to Reality: Own it before you can fix it.

Maximize Your Giftedness: Life is short, why not make the most of it.

Optimistic Outlook: What we tell ourselves matters, make it positive.

Humor: Laugh at yourself often. We’re all a work in progress.


Free Resource

Three Mindsets to Master before Goal Setting

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